diumenge, 24 de maig del 2015

Task 13 CLIL a) CLIL Template

The aim of this task is to create three sessions of a CLIL Didactic Unit. My Didactic Unit focuses on Technology so that students can learn ho to use a Second Language in a different context.

Materia / Área: Technology

Título de la Unidad: The Evolution of Technology                      Curso  / Nivel:  4 th ESO

1. Objetivos / Criterios de evaluación

a.      To recognize, name and talk about all the social media and technologies resources.
b.      To use the specific oral language correctly and fluently, showing interest in understanding and being understood.
c.       To create dialogues and debates between teacher- students and students-students using specific vocabulary.

d.      To develop basic skills, from a critical point of view, to get information and assure the learning process.
e.      Contributing to the development of the basic competences.

f.        To promote attitudes in favor of an adequate use of technologies.
g.      To value the foreign language and all languages in general as a great communication tool among different people and cultures.
h.      The students will be able to establish links between meaning, pronunciation and the spelling of some English words and simple sentences.
i.        To achieve that students conceive English as their own language.

2. Contenido de área /materia

Technology, Inventions, Future
3. Contenido de
Lengua / Comunicación

(el profesor de área no lingüística (ANL) también prestará atención a este aspecto)


Nouns/Adjectives about Technology: Robotics, developement, future, science, computers, high-tech, cybernetic, browser, cache, cookies, frequency, home page……


-Present simple: structure and uses, affirmative and negative questions
        -Frequency adverbs
-Expressions of frequency
-Use of like/enjoy + ing
-Use of link words as before, after, than

-Basic vocabulary
-Statements: making sentences with a good grammar level.
Talk how often you do things working in pairs asking questions
-Making simple questions as Do you...?
-Talk about your routine: make dialogues and questions using expressions of frequency (always, often, never)

1.      Listening                  
- Identification of the new vocabulary
-Classification of the new vocabulary
-Listening to the conversation of the units
-Conversations between students

Reading words and simple sentences, previously known in real oral interactions
-Reading and understanding texts (digitalized and printed)in order to use information in the development of different oral and writing tasks:labelling, describing itineraries, asking for info...

Destrezas /tipo de discurso
Expositive discourse
4. Elemento contextual y cultural

This unit is about the importance of Technology and how it has become really important in our daily lives.
Understanding about this topic will help the students in order to learn and become more efficient in the future.
5. Procesos cognitivos

Comprenhension, Knowledge, application, analysis, writing an essay,
6. (a). Tarea / s (final)
The final task is really important. Students have to imagine that they work for a technology company and they must create their own one.
 Finally, the last day the students will have to present the slides with their groups and students will vote the best proposal.
After that, they will write an essay about the importance of Technology.

6. (b). Actividades

Matching exercises, videos, discussion etc.
7. Metodología

Agrupamientos / distribución de la clase / temporalización

Each session has a duration of 50 minutes.
SESSION 1:’The age of technology’
-Listening (monologue about technologies). It is an introductory activity. (10’)
-Debate about technology in students’ daily life (20’)
-Grammar exercise about the invention of computers.(10’)
- Vocabulary exercise.(10’)
- Writing: extra activity exercise (at home)
SESSION 2: ‘The invasion of Internet’
-Reading about Internet and favor and against exercise.(10’)
- Video about Internet effect in people’s mind (5’)
- Debate about the video (20’)
-Vocabulary exercise (5’)
- Grammar exercise (10’)
SESSION 3: ‘Parents vs Technology’
-Reading and questions. (15’)
- Speaking exercise (10’)
- Writing about the use of Internet and mobile phones (at home)
- Vocabulary exercise (5’)
- Conversing and role playing (20’)

Recursos / Materiales

-          videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CMS9xnBRkc            
-          Debate:
What is the importance of technology in your daily life? How many hours do you spend using technological devices? Could you survive without Internet?
-          Reading.
-          video

Competencias básicas

-          Competence in linguistic communication: all the activities in this unit aim to develop this competence, laying stress on communicative interaction, participation in conversations, effective comprehension and production of oral and written texts using the appropriate kind of language for the communicative situation.

-          Competence on knowledge and interaction with the physical world: the unit deals with everyday objects and technological processes (vocabulary, Reading and listening) and also with consumer educational issues.

-          Competence on information and computer technology: the topic of the unit itself relates to this basic competence, which is also developed through the research for follow up activities and research and Project.

-          Competence on learning how to learn: students will strengthen their ability to become aware of the way they learn and to indentify the best and most suitable strategies for each of them (self assesment, peer evaluation, inductive methodology, strategy boxes – grammar and writing, Reading and listening - ).

8. Evaluación

-          It is important to evaluate what students do during the classes in regards to participation, respect and the correct use of the English language. This unit devotes 20% of the total grade to this part, 20% to the activities that students have done in class and another 20 % marks will be devoted of the extra activities and 40 % for the final task.

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